What is the phenomenon of ‘cloudbursts’? Explain. (Answer in 150 words)
What is the concept of a ‘demographic winter’? Is the world moving towards such a situation? Elaborate. (Answer in 150 words)
Distinguish between gender equality, gender equity and women’s empowerment. Why is it important to take gender concerns into account in programme design and implementation? (Answer in 150 words)
Intercaste marriages between castes which have socio-economic parity have increased, to some extent, but this is less true of interreligious marriages. Discuss. (Answer in 150 words)
In dealing with socio-economic Issues of development, what kind of collaboration between government, NGOs and private sector would be most productive? (Answer in 150 words)
Underline the changes in the field of society and economy from the Rig Vedic to the later Vedic period. (Answer in 150 words)
Estimate the contribution of Pallavas of Kanchi for the development of art and literature of South India. (Answer in 150 words)
What were the events that led to the Quit India Movement? Point out its results. (Answer in 150 words)
What is sea surface temperature rise? How does it affect the formation of tropical cyclones? (Answer in 150 words)
Why do large cities tend to attract more migrants than smaller towns? Discuss in the light of conditions in developing countries. (Answer in 150 words)